Our Organization

Our commitment to preserve and protect Mongolian rich musical and cultural legacy is deeply rooted in a set of core values that guide our every endeavor. They inspire us to not only safeguard the tradition of the Morin Khuur but also to nurture its growth and relevance in the modern world. These values form the foundation of our mission:


Cultural Stewardship: We are committed to preserving and nurturing the rich heritage of the Morin Khuur. Our dedication to this invaluable cultural treasure guides our efforts in safeguarding its history and promoting its future.

Educational Excellence: Knowledge is the key to appreciation. We value and invest in comprehensive educational programs that enlighten and inspire individuals about the Morin Khuur's history, artistry, and cultural significance.

Inclusivity and Diversity: Our work is rooted in the belief that cultural heritage belongs to everyone. We strive to create inclusive spaces where diverse voices and perspectives are welcomed and celebrated in the narrative of the Morin Khuur.

Artistic Innovation: While we honor traditional practices, we also embrace innovation in the arts. We encourage contemporary expressions and adaptations of the Morin Khuur to keep the tradition alive and relevant in a modern context.

Sustainability and Responsibility: We are dedicated to the sustainable and responsible promotion of the Morin Khuur. This involves mindful practices that ensure the long-term preservation and appreciation of this cultural jewel.

Integrity and Authenticity: In all our actions and initiatives, we maintain the highest levels of integrity and authenticity, honoring the true essence of the Morin Khuur and its heritage.

Community Collaboration: We believe in the power of community. Building strong, collaborative relationships with artisans, musicians, scholars, and enthusiasts worldwide is crucial for the vibrant future of Mongolian cultural expression.

Global Connectivity: Our goal is to bridge cultural gaps and foster global understanding through the universal language of music. We are committed to sharing the Morin Khuur’s melodies and stories to connect people across different cultures and backgrounds.

To promote, educate, support, preserve, and protect the Morin Khuur, the Mongolian traditional musical instrument and one of the intangible cultural heritages of humanity, as well as other cultural heritages related to the Morin Khuur.


At Morin Khuur Heritage, our aim is to promote worldwide appreciation for the Morin Khuur. We focus on education, offer continuous support to artisans and musicians, and work to preserve Mongolian cultural traditions. Our dedication is based on the belief that this revered instrument can have a lasting impact, enriching lives, fostering cultural connections, and ensuring the continuation of its enchanting melodies through time.

Together, let’s build a vibrant future where Mongolian heritage thrives, fostering understanding, respect, and unity among diverse communities, ensuring a legacy that resonates across generations.


Our vision extends beyond the instrument itself. We envision vibrant cultural landscapes where the unique traditions, languages, and customs related to the Morin Khuur flourish. We are dedicated to nurturing an environment where artisans, musicians, scholars, and enthusiasts come together to exchange knowledge and creativity, fostering a renaissance of Mongolian cultural expression.

We see a society where the Morin Khuur, the venerable Mongolian traditional musical instrument and a UNESCO-recognized intangible cultural heritage, is not merely preserved but thrives in its rightful place as a source of inspiration and cultural pride. We strive for a future where the intricate artistry, historical significance, and emotional depth of the Morin Khuur are embraced and respected by people of all ages and backgrounds.

Our ultimate vision is of a world where the Morin Khuur and its associated heritages act as conduits for connectivity, uniting different communities through shared appreciation. We see a world where the profound melodies of the Morin Khuur echo across continents, captivating hearts and minds with the rich color of Mongolian heritage.